Kostenlose Webinare zur finanziellen Bildung.


Ihr finanzielles Wohlergehen ist uns wichtig, und wir wollen Ihnen helfen, Ihre Ziele zu erreichen. Deshalb veranstalten wir kostenlose Webinare zur finanziellen Bildung zu beliebten Themen wie dem Kauf eines Hauses oder der Führung eines Unternehmens. Lernen Sie von unseren internen Experten, die Mitgliedern wie Ihnen geholfen haben, ihre finanziellen Träume zu verwirklichen. Melden Sie sich unten für ein Webinar an, und wir helfen Ihnen dabei, Ihre Reise zu beginnen.

Securing Financing: What Lenders Look for in Your Business Plan

Date: Monday, June 24 at 12:00pm (EST)

Join us for part one of our two-part business lending webinar series, focusing on creating effective business plans to secure financing. Learn key components and what lenders look for, aligned with the Lean Canvas Template-a concise framework that helps startups focus on essential elements of their business idea. Learn how to de-risk your venture and present a compelling case for financing from lenders. The webinar will be hosted by Kevin Sheffield, the Business Lending Manager at Arlington Community Federal Credit Union, and moderated by Alex Held of BizLaunch, an organization that is a community leader when it comes to supporting small businesses. Part two, coming soon, will delve into making financial projections.


The Social Security Puzzle: Solutions for You

Date: Tuesday, June 25 at 5:30pm (EST)

Are you ready to solve the Social Security puzzle? Join our interactive webinar where we’ll dive deep into the unique challenges and opportunities that people face when it comes to Social Security. This engaging and informative webinar will equip you with the knowledge you need to crack the code and make the most of your retirement!

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Alle Darlehen unterliegen Kredit- und Sicherheitserfordernissen. Nicht alle Antragsteller werden sich qualifizieren.

*The drawings will be held on the dates of the webinars. The potential winner will be contacted by the ACFCU Marketing Department via email to verify they wish to accept the prize and responsibilities associated with winning the prize. If winners do not respond back to ACFCU within 48 hours of notification, another winner may be chosen.

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